Legal Wedding service
We believe that love knows no borders. Let us guide you through the legal intricacies of an international wedding in Indonesia, ensuring that your union is not only legally recognized but also celebrated in the most magical way possible. Contact us today, and let the legal journey to your dream wedding in Indonesia commence.
For the Notice of Intention to Marry you have to submit the following documents for both partners to the Civil Registry Office (show the original and present a photocopy):-
* Certificate of the religious marriage;
* Passport for foreign citizens, or KTP (Identity card) for Indonesian citizens;
* Certified birth certificate;
* Certified divorce decree (absolute) or death certificates regarding the termination of all previous marriages;
* Four 4×6 cm photos, both partners side by side;
* Foreign citizens:
* ‘Letter of No Impediment to Marriage’ issued by your Consular Representative for Bali or Indonesia;
* Indonesian citizens:
* never married: letter Surat Keterangan Belum Kawin from Kepala Desa or Lurah (mayor);
* Men aged 18-21 and women aged 16-21: parental letter of consent, signed across the meterai/tax stamp Rupiah 2,000.
focus on the joy of the occasion.